Evaluation of the opinion of students in the health area about the dentist's performance in Orofacial Harmonization
Surgical procedures, Aesthetics, Cosmetic Dentistry, Forensic DentistryAbstract
This study sought to evaluate the opinion of students in the health area regarding the role of the Dental Surgeon in Orofacial Harmonization. It is a virtual, exploratory field research, with quantitative and qualitative treatment. It was carried out through the application of 200 virtual questionnaires, composed of objective questions about the subject that had two parts, one that allowed to characterize the profile of the sample and another with questions for the evaluation of opinion on the subject. The data were analyzed descriptively using absolute and percentage frequencies. The research sought to find out if students in the health area know what procedures the dental surgeon is able to perform within the scope of Orofacial Harmonization, if students in the health field agree that the Dental Surgeon performs these procedures and which procedures they agree with, verify that the students recognize the area in which the Dental Surgeon operates and know the degree of agreement on the recognition of Orofacial Harmonization as a specialty dentistry. With that, it was possible to observe that most of the students (55%) were in favor of the performance of the Dental Surgeon in Orofacial Harmonization, with small reservations in some courses, mainly in Medicine, where (30%) did not agree with the procedures, it was also observed that many students still did not know exactly the limits of performance of the dentist. So there is still a need for greater dialogue on this issue in undergraduate courses.
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