Ethical and legal aspects of protective stabilization in Dentistry
Ethics, Restraint, DentistryAbstract
Physical restraint has been used in healthcare procedures for decades, especially in surgical procedures, to stabilize the patient and improve conduct during clinical management. In dentistry, it is called “protective stabilization” as it aims to create a safe environment for therapeutic conduct during dental procedures, aiming for the integrity of the patient and the professional. The use of protective stabilization has its advantages but may involve ethical issues when used especially in children and patients with special needs, due to the characterization of physical restrictions attributed. The present work aims to describe the ethical and legal aspects involving the use of protective stabilization in dental care. Management and behavior management during clinical practice in dentistry are significantly applied to pediatric and disabled patients, through the use of restrictive methods, associated or not with the use of sedation. Stabilization can still be an ethical dilemma that affects professionals, patients and legal guardians.Downloads
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