Analysis of ethical infractions linked to advertising and advertising in profiles of dentists and dental clinics in the state of Paraíba in a social network
Code of Ethics, Ethics Dental, DentistryAbstract
Introduction: Currently in Brazil, it has been evidenced a high number of dental professionals who use various marketing strategies to ensure and attract customers, such as publications on social networks, which has caused a significant increase in ethical violations committed by dentists. Objective: To analyze ethical violations linked to advertising and propaganda in profiles of dentists and dental clinics in the state of Paraíba in the social network Instagram®. Methodology: The observational, cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted from the analysis of 572 profiles. Public posts were evaluated in the light of the Code of Dental Ethics (CEO) and CFO Resolution No. 196/2019. Open profiles were searched using the key terms: "dental clinic", "dental", "dentist", "Dentistry" combined with: "Paraíba", "PB". Results: From the analysis of the research items there was some type of ethical violation of the CEO and/or Resolution in most of the profiles. The items with the highest rates of violation were related to posts with the display of the term "diagnosis x conclusion" without mention of the Informed Consent Form and videos and/or images with content related to the course of the procedure. Conclusion: It is clear that most of the profiles analyzed in this study have somehow infringed ethics regarding advertising and propaganda. In this perspective, it is necessary that there is greater guidance and supervision by the council, and that professionals are aware and enforce the ethical precepts established by the CEO, thus ensuring the good prestige of the profession.
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