Analysis of human identification methods among monozygotic twins: a review of literature
Twins; Twins, Monozygotic; Forensic Anthropology; Forensic Dentistry; Human Identification., Twins, Twins Monozygotic, Forensic Anthropology, Forensic Dentistry, Human IdentificationAbstract
A number of limitations can be found in the methods in identifying monozygotic twins (MT) due to genetic influences and facial and environmental similarities, the search for reliable methods for genetically identical individuals becomes of great importance for Forensic Science. The objective of this work was to carry out a literature review in search of methods that offer security for identification among MT. For this purpose, search strategies were set up in Lilacs, Medline via Pubmed, Scielo, Scopus and Web of Science databases. We found 3, 27, 2, 388 and 17 articles for each, respectively, totaling 437 studies. Observational studies and case reports were included, with abstract available, and studies that were not fully available for reading, those that did not specify the type of twin, and those that did not present results of the effectiveness of the method for groups of monozygotic twins were excluded. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 20 studies remained for analysis. It was found that the analysis of individual characteristic points in the fingerprint, tooth development, bite marks, lip print, palatal rugoscopy, anthropometric facial measurements, ocular and vocal impression biometrics, foot prints, crest patterns of nails and veins are effective methods for identifying MT. Given the variety of available methods and the individuality of each case, it is important that the Forensic Dentistry professional knows the methodologies available in the literature. Identification methods capable of differentiating MT from each other have relevant value in aiding justice in terms of human individuality.
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