Human Identification, Panoramic radiographs, Age estimationAbstract
the biological profile of living and dead individuals. This study aimed to verify the applicability of the Cameriere method of age estimating by teeth, in individuals adults, from panoramic radiographs use, characterizing the sample according to sex and age and verifying the relationship between actual age and age estimated by the method. For this, the area of the tooth and the pulp was calculated, with the Adobe Photoshop Program, in 50 panoramic radiographs, using the healthy canineteeth as a reference for analysis. The pixel values were inserted into formulas proposed by the method, thus obtaining the estimated age. The intra-examiner agreement showed an almost perfect correlationcoefficient, with p-value equal to 0.9998. For the sample studied, when comparing the averages of the estimated and actual ages for each individual, there was a tendency to underestimate age with the Cameriere method, in all forms of analysis, with more discrepant average results when using the lower canines. It was concluded that there was a tendency to underestimate age with the applied method, and it is still necessary to evolve in its formula so that its use for age estimation becomes viable.
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