Odontological Ethics Code x Resolution CFO-196/2019: a perception of specialists in odontological ethics concerning to marketing in odontology
Dental Legislation; Marketing in Dentistry; Ethics in Dentistry.Abstract
Marketing has great relevance for the solution of the dental class competitiveness but on several occasions the way it is applied by dental surgeon, due to regulations, raises doubts and concerns. The research objective of this study was to achieve a qualitative understanding of the divergences of the norms mentioned in the CEO (Dental Ethics Code), that regulates dental marketing, along with the resolution CFO-196/19 regarding the theme. A virtual questionnaire was applied with 5 open-ended questions, designed to discuss the opinion of the participants regarding the ethical and legal implications of the use of marketing in dentistry. It was verified that: digital marketing is essential: 5 partially agreed and 3 entirely agree; the DSs (Dental surgeons) know the CEO: 5 partially agree and 3 disagree; about resolution CFO-196/19: 3 entirely agree and 5 partially agree; the divergences of the norms influence the professionals' understanding: 5 entirely agree, 1 partially agrees and 2 disagree; as to the ideal conduct when using digital marketing: to take into consideration ethical principles and follow the current norms. It was concluded that digital marketing is important, but a better knowledge of the regulations is necessary. Besides, even in agreement with the content of resolution CFO-196/19, divergences were found with the CEO, which influence the understanding of professionals when using digital marketing.
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