Human Identification, Forensic Dentistry, Supplemental HealthAbstract
Introduction: In cases of human identification, various dental records can be used in order to help in the comparison of postmortem evidence. Objective: The aim of this study was to demonstrate by the forensic report that dental records, which are required by health insurance, could be utilized to obtain a positive identification of an individual. Case report: In 2020, the body of a male individual who had tattoo on the right arm (important clue for a presumptive identification) was referred to the Official Forensic Institute of Northeast Brazil, his body arrived in advanced stage of decomposition and shows signs of maceration. After contact the dentist of the individual, the family provide his teeth images from dental insurance plan that using them to authorize any dental treatment and for audit purposes. Afterwards the identification was made matching ante-mortem (AM) and post-mortem (PM) data. There are no irreconcilable discrepancies and the available data achieve a positive identification then the body examined matched with the missing victim. Conclusion: The case shows the reliability, rapid and cost-effective identification process through comparing AM data to PM evidences. This has only been possible due to the requirement for intraoral images by the victim's dental insurance plan.
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