DOI: clave:
Dental Ethics, Professional Ethics, Forensic dentistryResumen
Introduction: The competition in dentistry work market is more aggressive over the time due to the growing population of professionals. Consequently, ethical proceedings become more common highlighting the importance of bioethical training and education in the routine of dentistry. Objective: To analyze ethical proceeding prosecuted and adjudicated at the Regional Council of Odontology of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in the period between 2005 and 2011. Material and methods: Nine hundred fifty-five ethical proceedings were analyzed according to 1) the related reasons justifying ethical suits; and 2) its respective sentences and penalties. A retrospective observational transversal study was designed in the database of the Regional Council of Odontology of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Descriptive statistics was performed. Results: The most prevalent reasons justifying ethical suits were the irregular advertising and the lack of performing the recommended technique (30.4%). Moreover, unregistered dental clinics and laboratories comprehended 25.5% of the total reasons. The investigation of sentences revealed that dentists were mostly convicted (33.8%). Conclusion: A linear growing trend of ethical proceedings is observed along the investigated period, revealing that dentists are often convicted in face of ethical infractions.Citas
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