

Palabras clave:

femicide, COVID-19, intimate partner violence, child abuse, victimisation, bidirectional violence


Worldwide there is evidence of the increase of violence against women (gender-based) and children (gender and age-based) during the global pandemic of COVID-19. This literature review offers an overview of data on domestic and intimate partner violence (IPV) as it currently stands in some countries during the pandemic, describing deep psychosocial issues that illustrate the intergenerational transmission of violent actions, uncovering how these acts are unconsciously reproduced within families as a lack of conscious differentiation between them and the cultural, socio-economic norms that surround them takes place, as if normalising the brutality of gender inequality [violence as a representation of masculinity], minimising the effects of witnessing to violence, and/or practising violence as a form of discipline. Furthermore, it also includes recommendations that aim to mitigate risks and consequences of violence, and emphasises the urgency that must be in place to guarantee public access to health care services adapted to our new reality / COVID-19. In conclusion, we accentuate that the pandemic might accelerate public measures on decision making that target vulnerable women and children and make them regular in case they are judged efficient in face of an ever-growing phenomenon, that is the unfortunate banalisation of violent acts and narratives.

Biografía del autor/a

Rafael Guerra Lund, Federal University of Pelotas

National Institute of Forensic Science and Technology (INCT Forense), Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), Pelotas, Brazil



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