Three Dimensional Analysis and Comparison of Human Anterior Teeth and Experimentally Created Bitemark Depressions


  • Cristina M. Dalle Grave Center for Education and Research in Forensics, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
  • Alex dos Santos
  • Paula C. Brumit
  • Bruce A. Schrader
  • David R. Senn



A system was proposed to scan dental models to record three-dimensional features seen in the anterior teeth to create a database of dental profiles. Dental casts were randomly selected to create indentations in cowhide leather. Reid Bite Reader was used to measure the bite forces generated by Reynolds Controlled Bite Force Generator to make the teeth impressions. Using the Immersion MicroScribe® 3D, information from the 53 bitemark depressions and 62 sets of dental casts were transferred to an Excel Spreadsheet. Software was developed to perform the 3D comparison using metric and pattern analysis. Statistic analysis showed 100% success when comparing both arches together of the dental casts with the bitemarks or other dental casts.

Biografía del autor/a

Cristina M. Dalle Grave, Center for Education and Research in Forensics, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

Forensic Dentistry - Bitemark


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