Techniques of Denture Marking: Review of Literature
Forensic Dentistry, Denture Identification Marking, Victims IdentificationAbstract
One of the main fields of Forensic Dentistry is human identification, mainly of bodies that have suffered great destruction, because teeth, restorations and prostheses are capable of resisting different aggressions. Edentulous individuals represent a challenge in identification, therefore in 1931, denture marking was proposed for the first time and several systems have been tested over the years. The marking or identification of prostheses is done through the inclusion of metallic or non-metallic materials, microchips or others that are incorporated in the material of the removable prosthesis, or by marking the surface. The present study aimed to describe, through a narrative literature review, the techniques of denture markers. It is the ethical and legal responsibility of the dentist to assist in human identification investigations, thus, given the relevance and proven efficiency in forensic situations, denture marking should be offered as an option to all patients.
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