Dimorfismo sexual del agujero magno en tomografías de una población peruana
Sexual dimorphism, foramen magnum, tomographyAbstract
Introduction: The base of the skull is a compact structure, very resistant to physical damage, the robustness of the occipital bone and the protected anatomical position of the foramen magnum under a depth of soft tissue may make it less vulnerable to fragmentation and to the effects of taphonomic processes compared to other bone structures, allowing it to be used to estimate sexual dimorphism. Objective: To establish the relationship between sexual dimorphism and the morphometry of the foramen magnum in CT scans of patients older or equal to 18 years of age who attended private clinics in metropolitan Lima, during the years 2015 to 2020. Materials and methods: The study was developed with 239 tomographies (88 male and 151 female). Foramen magnum measurements of the maximum anteroposterior diameters (DAPM), maximum transverse (DTM) were performed and the area was established using Teixeira's formula. Results: The DAPM presented a mean in the male sex of 37.182+ 2.4012 mm and in the female sex of 34.795+ 2.1086 mm, while for the DTM a mean was established in the male sex of 32.517+ 2, 3463 mm and for the female of 30.514+ 2.2084 mm, in the area according to Teixeira (A TEIXEIRA) in the male sex a mean of 957.21390 +115.162403mm2 and in the female sex of 840.11055 + 93.775088mm2 was observed. A statistical relationship (p<0.05) was established between the parameters DAPM, DTM, A TEIXEIRA between both sexes. Conclusion: There is a relationship between sexual dimorphism and foramen magnum morphometry, with a prediction of 71.96%.
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