Effects of incineration to different dental materials used in prosthodontics: A systematic literature review
Dental Crown, Dental prosthesis, Dental implants, Prosthodontics, High temperatureAbstract
Comprehensive data for the detectable changes occurring when various prosthodontic devices are exposed to elevated temperatures is still poorly recorded. The present study aimed to revisit the scientific literature in order to systematically review and assess experimental studies that analyze the effects of high temperature to different materials used in prosthodontics. A systematic literature review was structured according to PRISMA. Four primary electronic databases were searched and one sources of grey literature were screened. Only academic and peer-reviewed original experimental studies and proceedings of scientific conferences were included. The risk of bias was assessed using formulated questions by the authors adapted from the strategy proposed by Onofre et al. in 2014.The search resulted in 1526 scientific articles, from which met the eligibility criteria. Out of the eligible studies, 60% exhibited medium risk of bias, which demonstrate a positive characteristic of the present study. Results showed that the detectable changes due to extreme heat observed in the included studies were dependent on the type of prosthodontic device exposed and the type of material used in its fabrication. The data gathered from this study could aid further in the analysis and identification when dealing with incinerated remains.
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