Dental legal identification through dental imaginological exams - expert case report
Dental Arch, Forensic Anthropology, Forensic Dentistry, Post-mortem Diagnosis.Abstract
The recognition of charred corpses requires a multidisciplinary approach, in order to identify characteristics that can define the identity of an individual and make it possible to distinguish him from all other individuals. Due to the difficulty in recognition by visual inspection and the fingerprint method, Forensic Dentistry becomes essential, due to the uniqueness related to dental arches. The aim of the study was to present a case report, showing the major role of the dentist in identifying a charred body using the dental arch. The dental forensic necroscopic examination carried out in a Medical-Legal Department of Espirito Santo found that in the maxilla there was great destruction of the upper elements and the presence of an upper removable partial prosthesis, and it was not possible to perform it in the mandible due to the state of calcination in which it was found. By comparing the dental characteristics between an ante-mortem panoramic radiograph and post-mortem periapical radiographs, it was possible to positively identify the charred cadaver taking into account the quantity and quality of similar dental points found in the images, associated with the absence of divergences inexplicable.
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