The use of computed tomography as auxiliary in human identification in forensic odontology
human identification, computer tomography, forensic odontologyAbstract
INTRODUCTION: Human identification is emphasized and is considered a primary method of identification, along with DNA examination and ridgeology. Computed tomography (CT) can be used in the process of human identification and when associated with other methods it generates results that facilitate identification. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to verify the importance of CT in the human identification process and to carry out a survey of the cases in which the tomographic examination was used for this purpose. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A bibliographic survey of the last 21 years was carried out on the scientific bases and some inclusion criteria were adopted: to be a case report, to have been published between the years 1998 to 2019 and to have used a CT examination for the identification. The exclusions criteria were: use of other imaging tests, works that are not case reports and those that did not consider the dental arch and / or skull. Six articles were found within the criteria, most of which were related to European cases and skeletonized bodies. CONCLUSION: By reading these papers, it was possible to confirm the importance of the file of dental exams, which can assist in the identification of bodies, especially where there are no fingerprints. It is a valuable diagnostic tool because there is no image overlap and offers a multiplanar view of the skeleton.
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