Impact of schooling on child and youth violence in João Pessoa - PB - Brazil
Maus-tratos infantis, Medicina Legal, Odontologia Legal.Abstract
Introduction: Violence against children and adolescents is a public health problem. Objective: to evaluate the impact of schooling of children and adolescents victims of violence who underwent traumatological examination at the Center for Medicine and Legal Dentistry (NUMOL) in João Pessoa / PB - Brazil, in 2017. Material and Methods: Documentary, transversal and analytical study, with indirect documentation technique, based on the analysis of expert reports, produced at NUMOL, in 2017. The variables were analyzed: age, victim's occupation (G1 = non-student and G2 = student), aggression’s location, energy and harmful instrument, location and nature of the injury and victim / aggressor relationship. The association between qualitative variables was assessed by Chi-square and Fischer's Exact tests (significance level of 5.0%). Results: 384 reports were analyzed (aged between 0 and 17 years), the average time between the aggression and the denunciation being 8.95 days and the public road (19.5%) the main place of attack. Mechanical energy (G1 = 99.0% and G2 = 99.5%) and the blunt instrument (G1 = 90.5% and G2 = 88.1%) were the most used, being members (G1 = 55.0 % and G2 = 54.4%) and face (G1 = 34.6% and G2 = 41.5%) the most affected regions. Mild injuries prevailed (G1 = 94.7% and G2 = 90.0%) and assaults by people strangers to the victim (G1 = 65.4% and G2 = 41.4%). Conclusion: There was a higher concentration of violence in adolescents, with blunt instruments being the most used to cause mild injuries to limbs and face.
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