Odontolegal identification by the use of computed tomography for implant planning - case report
Human identification, Tomography, Forensic DentistryAbstract
Postmortem human identification is an area of study and research of Forensic Dentistry. In this knowledge area, the most used kind of work is the comparison of ante mortem records (AM) with post mortem findings (PM). In cases of charred corpses, dental elements are generally capable of resisting thermal action. Thus, the imaging exams that make up the dental records, when in good quality, allow for comparison with the same tests performed on the corpse. The purpose of this article was to report a case in which the comparison of AM and PM computed tomography scans allowed the positive identification of a charred corpse. A comparison of AM tomographic images, used for reactive planning with dental implants, such as PM images, performed in the legal medical Institute of Federal District Civil Police, allowed, quickly, effectively and economically, a positive identification of the corpse due to the quantity and the quality of the indicated points found in images, associated with the absence of unexplained divergences.
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